Traveling with my Canon G7X Mark I

Once in a blue moon, i do get messages from people asking what camera i use for my travels. It is none other than the reliable Canon G7X Mark I. I named him Aang, yeah Aang, the Last Airbender in Avatar. 

Here’s a brief history of my travel cameras over the years:

When i first started general blogging (not travel), i had my first Pentax compact camera. Its a cute camera that almost resemble a toy & you were able to change its body with different stickers. I got tired of its ugly quality and moved on to my first  m43 camera: the Sony Nex 5. It was the golden years where m43s were being introduced to the world and everyone is going crazy. The Nex 5 was beautiful but it lacks one thing: a 180 degrees flip up screen. I realised it was too heavy to vlog in & bringing it around for my travels was such a hassle. The Sony Nex series has been discontinued to make way for the mirrorless Alphas. 

Due to the weight of the camera, i sold it away for a Powershot SX280 HS. It doesn’t have a flip up screen but i wanted something lighter and easier to deal with. I was also considering to get the Canon S120 (recommended by Ben Brown & Casey Neistat) but the salesman kept pushing me to get this tough Powershot. Thinking back, i shouldn't have relented to him. I gave it a go but fortunately, it soaked itself into the blue sea in Phi Phi island a few months after. 

Why did i say fortunately? That’s when Canon decided to introduced the Canon G7X Mark I. My decision to get this camera was hugely influenced by Ben Brown, Fun For Louis & Casey Neistat - a cluster of travel vloggers that has boost my creativity by a notch. 

In with the new, out with the old, they say. What do i have to lose? I purchased it & never looked back since. Its been almost 3 years, the Mark II has come out and here i am giving a review for the first one. 

It has flip up screen, great focusing for a compact camera, lightweight and produce great photos and even astrophotography! Not to forget, the seamless transfer of images & videos on the G7X via wifi through the Canon Camera Connect application makes posting on my favourite social media a breeze. The application also allows me to do a remote shooting and its pretty useful at times - especially when traveling alone. For more specification details, you can look up online as this information is widely available.
Here are some sample photos: 

I deliberately uploaded these photos that explores different types of photography modes used in the camera. I am most impressed by the astrophotography photo i took in New Zealand, the result was unbelievable. I particularly use my G7X for landscape photos during my travels as above and it has never let me down. I am also able to control the camera to give a blurry background effect. Night photos can be a bit tricky but i can manage it with some post editing. During my research to purchase this camera, i found out that the G7X can function as a part-manual camera. It is a good practice before migrating to an SLR or DSLR. I never regretted this purchase. I am not one for tech reviews but i hope this post benefits those whom are dabbling into photography leisurely and looking for the perfect travel camera.

Anyway, this is also a farewell post for my well used Canon G7X Mark 1 because i am about to upgrade to a different camera. I guess as we moved on to a different phase of life, our preference changes. I can’t wait to tell you more about my new camera. (Psst, first photo taken using my new mirrorless camera!)

What kind of camera do you use on your travels? Tell me more about it.

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